The Real Rebel Health Podcast
A podcast about hardcore self care and badass body liberation with a mission to redefine health and shift away from outdated, irrelevant & harmful health paradigms that are no longer serving anybody
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Season One, Episode TwelveEpisode 12 of Real Rebel Health is an invitation to understand Body Liberation from Diet Culture as a mere beginning for the kind of Body Liberation that can change the world.
Referring to the essential work of Sonya Renee Taylor and her book The Body Is Not An Apology, we explore her concept of "body terrorism" and how Diet Culture and the insidious lies it has told us about our bodies is just one of a myriad of ways in which bodies around the world are being held hostage by damaging paradigms. If you are not familiar with the work of Sonya Renee Taylor, please buy and read The Body Is Not An Apology in full and visit The Body Is Not An Apology website! Maybe even before you listen to this episode -- but if not -- immediately after, please. This is the last episode of the first season of The Real Rebel Health Podcast. Hopefully, it provided you with a firm understanding of the basic foundations of Body Liberation from Diet Culture. |
Season One, Episode ElevenIn Episode 11 of Real Rebel Health, we explore why Body Liberation is the only sane and reasonable long-term solution for dealing with the minefield of Diet Culture.
This death-positive episode explores the lie that Diet Culture tells us that it is possible to avoid aging, and, ultimately, death. Within this lie, we are trapped by our own real, biological bodies and made to feel that there is something inherently wrong, and even distasteful, around the natural process of aging. Body Liberation is the only path forward through a culture that refuses to acknowledge your bodies natural process of growing older and changing throughout your lifetime. |
Season One, Episode TenEpisode 10 of Real Rebel Health gets into some of the MANY personal benefits of leaving Diet Culture behind for good and adopting a mindset of Body Liberation.
From better meals, to better holidays, to better sex, the bottom line here is that Diet Culture restricts our pleasure and it is pleasure that is waiting for you once you leave dieting and restriction behind forever. Listeners of Real Rebel Health are invited to share their favorite benefits of no longer dieting and restricting. These will be shared in later episodes. |
Season One, Episode NineEpisode 9 of Real Rebel Health explores some of the consequences of no longer dieting. For many of us steeped in Diet Culture, the behaviors around dieting and intentional weight loss (IWL) have become second nature. The assumptions we have about bodies and what they should be capable of, or what is acceptable and unacceptable, are deeply embedded in mindsets that are very hard to change. These beliefs exist deeply inside of our bodies. Those of us who have worked/ are working to leave Diet Culture behind us and/or are actively working to dismantle Diet Culture, did not just wake up one day, having decided to stop dieting, and flip a switch that deemed us "liberated." There are consequences -- both positive and negative -- of leaving Diet Culture behind that had to be reckoned with on this journey. This episode outlines some of those potential consequences.
Getting free from Diet Culture while continuing to live in it is tricky business. This episode helps to navigate some of that. |
Season One, Episode EightEpisode 8 explores the 3 major protocols used in JodiAnn's Fitness For Mortals Body Liberation Training Program: Health At Every Size, Intuitive Eating, and Joyful Movement. These intertwined yet distinctively different concepts create the foundation for recovery from Diet Culture and point folx to an entirely new and liberated relationship with their body, food and movement.
These 3 major protocols support the 3 pillars and 3 skills of Body Liberation Training, as outlined by JodiAnn and discussed in Episode 4 of the podcast. In this episode, JodiAnn also discusses how shifting these paradigms means moving away from seeing work like this as a "program" or a period of time in which everything will be fixed. This mindset -- that work like this gets accomplished in mere weeks or months -- is more Diet Culture. Body Liberation from Diet Culture is a lifetime commitment. |
Season One, Episode SevenEpisode 7 of Real Rebel Health is all about undoing some of the damage done by Diet Culture. We begin to answer some important questions like, how can we do that? And what does that look like?
Fighting and getting free from Diet Culture isn't about falling in love with your body -- though some people do manage to do this once they've broken free from Diet Culture -- it's about saving your health, your sanity, and your life. Getting free from the damage that Diet Culture has caused requires a complete paradigm shift both personally and culturally. This episode explores some of what that messiness has to look like. |
Season One, Episode SixEpisode 6 begins to outline and list some of the major, specific damages that Diet Culture has caused and continues to cause both individuals and our society as a whole.
Some of these damages might be obvious to you already while some might surprise you. In a short podcast, it is difficult to do justice to the immense harm that Diet Culture has done in our world but hopefully hearing this and exploring some of these concepts, will give the listener a deeper understanding or at least a general idea of the depth and breadth of this damage. Diet Culture is dangerous and harmful and unfortunately, everywhere. And Body Liberation from it, is the only path out. |
Season One, Episode FiveEpisode 5 of Real Rebel Health is all about reclaiming The Body.
Within the paradigm of Capitalism, bodies are objectified and seem as machines. We are separated from our bodies. Our lived experienced within our bodies is negated by the inherent prejudice and systemic marginalization and oppression of bodies that exist outside of the one dominant, "normal" body or "acceptable" body or "worthy" body. We are told that everything that happens to our body is about self will and personal responsibility and we are blinded to the reality that our culture has a great deal of control over our body, how it is perceived by others, and the behaviors we allow our bodies to engage in. In this episode, listeners are also invited to begin sending their specific questions around Body Liberation in. The plan is for JodiAnn to start answering those question in Episode 13. |
Season One, Episode FourJodiAnn walks us through the foundations of her Fitness For Mortals Body Liberation Training Program: The Pillars and Skills of Body Liberation.
As JodiAnn has outlined it in her programming, the three pillars of Body Liberation from Diet Culture are: Intuitive Eating, Joyful Movement and Self Care. Intersecting with these pillars are the three major skills of Body Liberation from Diet Culture, which are: Developing Interoceptive Awareness, Giving Yourself Permission and Making and Taking Up Space. In Body Liberation Training, each of these skills is developed across the three pillars in order to get free from Diet Culture for good. Diet Culture has led too many of us to believe we need to stay small, and quiet and compliant. This episode of Real Rebel Health gets into how we need to have, or find, a rebellious spirit in order to let go of that B.S. forever! |
Season One, Episode ThreeHost, JodiAnn Stevenson, takes us through her personal Body Liberation journey from learning food restriction and binging at an early age to developing a full-blown restrictive eating disorder in her twenties, to finally being diagnosed with that eating disorder in her forties.
Eventually, JodiAnn found a therapist that specialized in eating disorders and treated clients from a HAES-perspective with Intuitive Eating training. She let go of dieting and exercising for weight loss as well as body and self-hatred and began to learn intuitive eating, joyful movement, body trust and body respect. Once JodiAnn left the damaging dysfunction of Diet Culture behind, she was able to redefine health for herself and remember all of things she wanted for her life that didn't have anything to do with the size of her body. JodiAnn eventually redefined her approach to training and teaching as well and created Every. Body. Fitness & Yoga and this podcast! |
Season One, Episode TwoThis episode attempts to provide a working definition of Body Liberation. It also explores what that definition looks like at the micro, meso and macro levels.
In order to define Body Liberation, we also have to explore definitions of Diet Culture, the so-called "War on Obesity," and Diet Culture's co-opting of mainstream medicine as well as the fitness and wellness industry. Three common slogans of the Body Liberation Movement are: Healthy Bodies Come In All Shapes And Sizes Every Body Is A Good Body & Your Body Is Not A Problem. This episode explores all three of those slogans and explains how they relate to our understanding and working definition of all levels of Body Liberation. |
Season One, Episode OneThis episode discusses three reasons why you might be seeking Body Liberation.
Whether you have hit diet bottom, are trying to reconcile your feminist or social justice beliefs with dieting and/or diet culture, or you're just sick of hearing from medical professionals that you must change your body in order to be healthy -- you'll find a home in Body Liberation. There are many reasons that people seek freedom from Diet Culture. This episode will go into some reasons why that is, why Diet Culture has been feeding people lies for so long, and why so many people are seeking new and unique definitions of health for themselves OUTSIDE of Diet Culture. Whatever your reason for seeking Body Liberation, you are welcome here. |
Season One, Episode ZeroAn introduction to Real Rebel Health, a podcast about Hard. Core. Self Care and Badass Body Liberation as well as an outline of what can be expected in this first season. The first 12 episodes of Real Rebel Health will begin with many of the fundamentals of Body Liberation. People brand new to Body Liberation will find lots of foundational information here.
Real Rebel Health seeks to help to redefine Health and shift away from outdated, irrelevant & harmful health paradigms. This podcast strives to be: Feminist, Weight-neutral, Pro-Health At Every Size, Pro-Body Diversity, Fat-Positive, Body-Positive, Pro-Intuitive Eating, Pro-Joyful Movement, Pro-LGBTQIA+, Pro-Queer, Pro-Trans, Pro-Aging, Anti-Racist, Anti-White Supremacy, Anti-Ableist, Death-Positive, and Sex-Positive BECAUSE Every. Body. Is A Good Body. Real Rebel Health is created by HAES-oriented personal trainer, health fitness specialist, and intuitive eating professional, JodiAnn Stevenson. |